Discover how to build your own 'unique' automatic income/profit machine
In the first module of your ‘UNIQUE’ OBAZ Automatic Income Machine membership you were shown how to build the tech bit of your ‘AUTOMATIC’ machine …
You should now be in a position where you are comfortable creating a landing page or squeeze page for any offer.
And an email sequence to follow up all those who enter your funnel.
Lots of businesses, just like yours, or individuals just like you, have solved their income or cash flow problem by using the OBAZ Automatic Income! Machine.
Help for those who have found module 1 too technical.
Don't worry we have you covered.
For more hands on help click here.
The OBAZ AUTOMATIC INCOME MACHINE has been designed for one thing ... to put money into your bank account. This is how you will judge your own success. And this will happen when you implement what you will be taught here.
My aim is to get you to implement.
If you don’t take action to implement then things will remain the same.
So your decision to continue building YOUR MACHINE today is important as it will be reflected in your success or failure in building your machine.
Module 2 Is all about ... How To Find The Best People To Fuel Your Machine!
Who you should send to your landing page for the best outcome.
How to get them to come.
Why they should come.
What's next.
Today, anyone can put up a professional-looking website or blog. Especially using the latest technology that Groove has. [If you haven't got your software yet.] Get It here.
A website or website funnel is a commodity. You choose a design, click and customise.
Big companies such as Wix spend tons on slick advertising to make people believe that there's something 'magical' about their website templates, and website builder.
The result?
Most people end up thinking the website or blog is the business. It's not.
Building your site or blog is the easy part.
The harder, more important parts are...
The research and planning stage
The creation of high-value engaging content
Connecting with the right people for your offer
Converting visitors into income.
The unfortunate outcome of individuals creating websites, landing pages, funnels, squeeze pages without a clear direction. Is that 99% of them don't make any money because the try to dodge the "hard parts". This is what your AIM membership helps you to do.
We help you get the basics right.
We help you do things in the right order.
So you stay on track to build an 'automatic' income or cashflow.
We simplify the complexity of doing business online into an automatic system that works. This means that you can focus on building your business instead of wasting your time or money. Chasing dreams or false promises that don't produce anything.
Module 2 - How To Find The Best People To Fuel Your Machine!
In this module you will discover:-
Who should come to your offer. Finding The right people
Why should they come. The hook, story, offer formula
How to get them to come. Baiting your hook
Due to the request of members, the delivery of future modules will be in a PDF. So all information is available offline.
In this module you will discover:-
The 3 Best Ways to Get Your Automatic Income Machine Fuelled Up Without Spending a Fortune On Ads
Who should come to see your offer.
This is the most important step because if you want success online then you need to know who your ideal customer, client, or patient is.
Why they should buy your offer.
Not even a great offer sells itself. You need to clearly explain the real benefits of your product or service, overcome common objections, and guide your prospect toward your offer.
How to get them to come and see your offer. Discover the right way to use Lead magnets to power up your machine.
The membership explained most concepts in great depth but some concepts took a little time to sink in. Regardless, the membership was very well structured with a lot of step by step on how to do things. Great Help!
Rhonda L. - Rhondalytics
The language used in this course is easy to understand and also every factor of building an automatic income machine is explained with the best examples. I felt I got what I wanted from the membership. I now have a better know-how of how Internet marketing really works. And the necessary skill to build as many machines as I want. Love It!
Roy S. - Real Estate Specialist
It was a great membership and it covers a ton of material. The lessons do a great job of explaining the core concepts and the videos were easy to follow. The membership has good structure and easy to follow tutorials even though some tutorial videos were a bit long. Definitely worth it!
Martin T. - Business Owner